Thursday, September 13, 2012

how to get chili pepper juice to stop stinging fingers or at least make it bearable

it so happens that one of the ingredients i used today in my cooking were chili peppers. if you've never used chili peppers then i recommend wearing gloves before you wash and chop them and then washing your hands very well when your done.
i didn't follow my own rule so i ended up with a horrible burning sensation on my fingers and parts of my hands. i washed my hands over and over again with water and soap, but it really didn't help. i googled ways to relieve the stinging and came across several remedies.
one involved washing your hands and then rubbing olive oil on your hands and letting it seep into the skin and then washing again, but after a while my hands felt the same way.

then i tried another remedy and this one definitely relieved the burn after two tries.

i dipped my hands in ice water for a few seconds until they were numb, then i washed them with water and soap, i dipped them in the ice water again, and then i rubbed my hands with alcohol. then after awhile, i repeated the process but skipped the water and soap. i have to say my hands felt completely relieved.


~Summer~ said...

Great tip! Am returning the follow, thanks for popping by my blog. Your blog layout looks great, keep up the good work and hope to keep in touch.


Anonymous said...

thanks. I know better now. last yr I grew them in my garden..OUCH!! then I rubbed my eyes...double OOUCH! nothing worked, just time.
I am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can.

becauseilovecoupons said...

Thanks for the tip. I also use petroleum jelly after I wash my hands thoroughly with soap and water. And hey thanks for stopping by my blog. I will really encourage you to visit it more and learn how to coupon. My family grocery bills has reduced drastically since I was blessed with couponing.


Vermont Mom said...

Thanks for the follows!

Nana, will keep in mind the petroleum jelly for a future ocassion.
